SURI Style Guide - SURI Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines

Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines
Print ISSN 2244-386X

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SURI Style Guide

A. Books and Journal Articles

1.  We recommend that no “in-text” or “parenthetical” citations should be used.  Use footnotes instead of endnotes.

2. Close-quotes should be placed after punctuations and note numbers should be placed after close-quotes.  E.g.,

“Emancipation occurs when the universe of daily experience becomes translatable into writing,”1

3. Italicized all book titles and journal titles in the body of your paper and in the footnotes; while article or essay titles should be within double quotation marks.

4. Do not use “p.” or “pp.” before page numbers.

5. At the initial mention of a reference in the footnote, provide the full bibliographical entry including the author or editor’s name first before the surname.  E.g.,

Book: Kristin Ross, Communal Luxury. The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune (London and New York: Verso, 2015), 48.

Chapter in Anthologies or Collections: Gregory Elliott, “Future Adventures of the Dialectic: Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, Althusser,” in Contemporary French Philosophy, ed. A. Phillips Griffiths (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 195-214.

Journal article: Peter Hallward, “Jacques Rancière and the Subversion of Mastery,” in Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory, 28:1 (2005), 27.

6. In subsequent mentions of the reference, and/or when citing only one text by an author and you cite the same source after one or several intervening reference, simply write the author’s surname, title of the book/article/essay, then page number(s) or the section number(s); however, the following use of Latin terms and abbreviations are allowed:  Ibid. or Ibid., page number(s) (when references are immediately repeated);  Cf. (when comparing a reference with another one).  E.g.,

1 Kristin Ross, Communal Luxury. The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune (London and New York: Verso, 2015), 48.
2 Ibid., 49.
3 Peter Hallward, “Jacques Rancière and the Subversion of Mastery,” in Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory, 28:1 (2005), 27.
4 Louis Althusser, For Marx, trans. by Ben Brewster (London and New York: Verso, 2005).
5 Hallward, “Jacques Rancière and the Subversion of Mastery,” 28.

B. Internet, Media, and Other Sources

News Articles: Genalyn Kabiling, “#DutertePalpak? Roque says COVID-19 case spike not caused by alleged bungled gov’t response,” in Manila Bulletin (15 March 2021), <>.

Opinion or Editorial Entries: Jovito V. Cariño, “The place of philosophy and thought during the coronavirus crisis,” in Rappler (30 March 2020), <>.

Public Document: “The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020,” in The Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, <>.

Online Video: “Why are we stuck behind the social acceleration? | Hartmut Rosa | TEDxFSUJena,” YouTube video, 18:03, posted by TEDx Talks (12 March 2015), <>.

Online Audio: Bernard E. Harcourt, interview with Banu Bargu, in Critical Theory: The Podcast, podcast audio (13 August 2019), <>.

Thesis or Dissertation: Alfredo P. Co, “Man’s Search for Fulfillment” (Dissertation: University of Santo Tomas - The Graduate School, Manila, 1976), 11.

C. References

Instead of indicating “Bibliography” at the end of the paper, use the term “References” and enumerate (in alphabetized order) all bibliographical entries with the author’s or editor’s name first before their given name. If the material is a public document or a video without an author, then begin the entry with the title.  E.g.,

Althusser, Louis, For Marx, trans. by Ben Brewster (London and New York: Verso, 2005).
“The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020,” in The Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines,
Cariño, Jovito V., “The place of philosophy and thought during the coronavirus crisis,” in Rappler (30 March 2020),
Co, Alfredo P. “Man’s Search for Fulfillment” (Dissertation: University of Santo Tomas – The Graduate School,
Manila, 1976).
Elliott, Gregory, “Future Adventures of the Dialectic: Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, Althusser,” in Contemporary French
Philosophy, ed. A. Phillips Griffiths (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987): 195-214.
Griffiths, A. Phillips (ed.), Contemporary French Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).
Hallward, Peter, “Jacques Rancière and the Subversion of Mastery,” in Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical
Theory, 28:1 (2005): 26-45.
Harcourt, Bernard E., interview with Banu Bargu, in Critical Theory: The Podcast, podcast audio (13 August 2019),
Kabiling, Genalyn, “#DutertePalpak? Roque says COVID-19 case spike not caused by alleged bungled gov’t
response,” in Manila Bulletin (15 March 2021), <>.
Ross, Kristin, Communal Luxury. The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune (London and New York: Verso,
“Why are we stuck behind the social acceleration? | Hartmut Rosa | TEDxFSUJena,” YouTube video, 18:03, posted
by TEDx Talks (12 March 2015), <>.

NB: Include only references cited in the paper.

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